Friday 4 April 2014

How To Follow Through With Your Goals

When you decide to make important changes in your life whether it be weight loss or muscle growth, you will write down a list of goals as a guide to achieve them. Having goals is an important step to reaching an end destination. Without them you can so easy sway off course and get side tracked.
Many people fail mid to long term in reaching their goals. They end up losing their enthusiasm and will power to carry on. Often because events going on in their lives may have distracted them. Or they no longer feel the urge to chase their goal any more because they found interest in something else  or even lost interest because they expected quick results.
If you find a goal in life and you want to achieve it, you need to first have the mind-set to accept failure. You must be willing to accept that you will fail along the way. However this doesn't have to end your goal. The mere realisation of being able to allow yourself to fail numerous times gives you the ability to pick yourself up and continue on without having to end the entire goal completely.
When you set out a goal, let’s say it is to lose weight. Make yourself understand that while you’ll do well in the first week or two, you will eventually relapse and have a day where you let yourself down by indulging. However, because you've accepted that you will fail at some points down the road you’ll find it easier to get back on track later. Your goal should be lined with little pit stops of failures. But ultimately you reach the end destination.
To sum up, succeeding with your goals is purely a mind-set. Accepting that you will fail at certain points allows you the freedom to jump straight back on track.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

What Exercises/Routine Is Best For Developing Forearms?

People underestimate developing forearms and I hardly ever see them being trained in the gym. It's not just about how your biceps are, having developed forearms are just as important and boast several benefits, from a stronger grip to sex appeal, plus they just look downright intimidating.

So I ask, do you want to develop your forearms but not sure how to approach them? If yes then I’ve put together this rather simple training routine that you can follow next time you’re at the gym. These following three exercises are the best at working your forearms.

Close-grip front pull-ups (bodyweight)

Start with close-grip front pull ups. Reason being that these will be the hardest since you’re pulling up your own bodyweight. As this is a bodyweight exercise, how many reps you do depends on your current strength but aim for five reps to start.

Three sets at five reps each

Forearm curls (barbell)

Once you’re finished with the close-grip pull-ups move onto forearm curls. Use a light to moderate weight here because we really want to pump the forearms now seeing that the close-grip pull-ups were low in reps.

Three sets at twenty reps

Hammer curls (dumbbells)

We’re at the finish now. Now we’re aiming for moderate to heavy weight for hammer curls to finish off and destroy the forearms. Look to do ten reps but they need to be tough, not a easy ten

Three sets at ten reps

That’s it, forearm workout completed. You’re forearms should be pump and feel like stuffed sausages. Of course this isn’t a once off routine. To develop massive forearms you need to keep training them. Just remember to incorporate forearms whenever it is arm day at the gym.

Tips For Bigger More Massive Arms

Doing correct form for bicep curls
Proper form is needed to effectively train your bicep muscles. To do this you should choose a lighter weight, locking the elbows at the side of the body and pulling up the weight without moving your elbows at all.

Don’t neglect triceps
Your triceps make up two thirds of your upper arm; therefore train them equally if not more so than biceps.

Don’t neglect forearms too
Get the complete look by gaining massive forearms. Train them just as much as you would biceps and triceps. Hammer curls, forearm curls and close-grip pull-ups are the best exercises that work to build up forearms.

Compound exercises
Compound exercises such as pull-ups, lat pull-downs and shoulder presses also engage the arms. In addition a lot heavier weight is used with compound movements therefore it encourages more muscle growth.

Food and rest
Muscle isn't created out of thin air. The body requires substance to build it i.e. food. So make sure you eating and resting enough to encourage growth.